Please select your application so we can offer your a package of additives suitable for your application and resin system.
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Automotive Coatings
Primer surfacers
KAM-FCA 22 is a commonly used defoamer in OEM primer surfacers.
KAM-SCA 772 and KAM-SCA 777 are recommended. Both are fluorocarbon-modified polyacrylates which not only give good levelling, but also improve substrate wetting substantially.
KAM-DCA 110 and KAM-DCA 610A and KAM-DCA 609 and KAM-DCA 65 are widely used for dispersion purpose.
KAM-DCA 671 and KAM-DCA 206 are cost-effective alternatives.
KAM-FCA 561 and KAM-FCA 564 are very suitable.
KAM-SCA 772 (It must be neutralized before addition) is recommended. Also the short-chain polysiloxane KAM-SCA 580 is commonly used for better substrate wetting.
KAM-DCA 190 (pH-independent) is specifically recommended given its water-resistance properties. KAM-DCA 206 and KAM-DCA 671 are very cost-effective alternatives.
Automotive Coatings
KAM-FCA 22 and KAM-FCA 41 are recommended in stoving enamels for OEM.
KAM-SCA 772 and KAM-SCA 777 are both recommended for good levelling and substrate wetting. The silicone-based KAM-SCA 31 is highly advised when good slip is required. A combination of KAM-SCA 777 and KAM-SCA 31 is often used in topcoats.
KAM-DCA 163 and KAM-DCA 161 and KAM-DCA 47 and KAM-DCA 46 are commonly used as dispersion control additives.
Automotive Coatings
KAM-FCA 41 is recommended in clear coats. KAM-FCA 22 and KAM-FCA 41 recommended in basecoats (Multi-layers).
KAM-SCA 772 and KAM-SCA 777 are both recommended in clear coats and basecosts. A combination of KAM-SCA 777 and KAM-SCA 31 is often used.
KAM-DCA 163 and KAM-DCA 161 and KAM-DCA 47 are commonly used as dispersion control additives.
KAM-FCA 564 is recommended in clear coats. KAM-FCA 564 and KAM-FCA 568 are suitable for basecoats.
KAM-SCA 772 (It must be neutralized before addition) is recommended. Also the short-chain polysiloxane KAM-SCA 580 is commonly used for better substrate wetting.
KAM-DCA 190 (pH-independent) is specifically recommended given its water-resistance properties.
Car Refinishes
Primer surfacers
KAM-SCA 772 and KAM-SCA 777 are recommended. Both are fluorocarbon-modified polyacrylates which not only give good levelling, but also improve substrate wetting substantially. Moreover, both additives do not influence the inter-coat adhesion of the system.
KAM-DCA 110 and KAM-DCA 610A and KAM-DCA 609 are widely used for dispersion purpose.
KAM-FCA 564 and KAM-FCA 521 are recommended.
KAM-SCA 772 (It must be neutralized before addition) is recommended. Also the short-chain polysiloxane KAM-SCA 580 is commonly used for better substrate wetting.
KAM-DCA 190 (pH-independent) is specifically recommended given its water-resistance properties. KAM-DCA 206 and KAM-DCA 671 are very cost-effective alternatives.
Car Refinishes
KAM-FCA 41 is recommended in clear topcoats.
KAM-SCA 772 and KAM-SCA 777 are both recommended to improve levelling and substrate wetting and .
KAM-SCA 33 and KAM-SCA 90 are highly recommended to increase slip performance. A combination of KAM-SCA 777 and KAM-SCA 33 or KAM-SCA 31 is frequently used.
KAM-DCA 161 and KAM-DCA 47 and KAM-DCA 401 are commonly used as dispersion control additives.
KAM-DCA 110 and KAM-DCA 610A and KAM-DCA 609 are recommended for fillers and inorganic pigments.
KAM-FCA 564 is recommended.
KAM-SCA 772 (It must be neutralized before addition) is recommended. Also the short-chain polysiloxane KAM-SCA 580 is commonly used for better substrate wetting.
KAM-DCA 190 and KAM-DCA 192 (pH-independent) are recommended.
Car Refinishes
For unsaturated polyester-based putties, dispersion control additives are required to enable manufacturers to reach highest pigment and extender loads with free-flowing properties.
Reduction in production time and costs are other advantages gained when using dispersion control additives.
KAM-DCA 615 and KAM-DCA 616 and KAM-DCA 980 and KAM-DCA 100 are highly recommended.
Printing Inks
UV curing
The most suitable foam control additive for solvent-free UV curable inks is the silicone-free KAM-FCA 720.
KAM-FCA 22 and KAM-FCA 41 are also recommended.
KAM-SCA 31 and KAM-SCA 90 and KAM-SCA 97 will improve scuff and block resistance.
KAM-SCA 772 is used for levelling and substrate wetting.
KAM-DCA 47 and KAM-DCA 161 are the most used dispersion control additives in the UV curable inks.
Printing Inks
The silicone-free KAM-FCA 20 and silicone-based KAM-FCA 26 are recommended.
KAM-FCA 22 and KAM-FCA 41 are also suitable.
KAM-SCA 31 and KAM-SCA 90 will impart excellent slip and smoothness to the final ink surface.
KAM-DCA 402 and KAM-DCA 108 are the most recommended dispersion control additive in the packaging inks. KAM-DCA 150 is also suitable.
KAM-DCA 65 is particularly effective in preventing flooding of titanium dioxide in combination with other color pigments.
KAM-DCA 402 is specially recommended for the preparation of resin-free pigment concentrates suited for solvent-based inks.
Printing Inks
KAM-FCA 521 and KAM-FCA 550 are recommended for grinding. KAM-FCA 564 is reccommended for let-downs and final inks.
The short chain polysiloxane-based surface control additive KAM-SCA 580 is commonly used in water-based inks given its anti-cratering and levelling properties. It is also recommended in the preparation of the let-downs.
KAM-DCA 193 and KAM-DCA 190 are recommended. KAM-DCA 671 is also an option for low-end applications.
Coil Coatings
Solvent-based primers
Both KAM-FCA 20 and KAM-FCA 22 are recommended. These 2 foam control additives prevent the formation of foam during manufacturing and application of the coating system with no influence on the inter-coat adhesion. It is also possible to combine one of these defoamers with KAM-SCA 772 or KAM-SCA 777.
KAM-SCA 772 or KAM-SCA 777 are fluorocarbon-modified polyacrylates and excellent levelling agents with very good substrate wetting performance. Inter-coat adhesion is not affected at all by using these two surface control additives.
KAM-DCA 401 and KAM-DCA 66 are commonly used as dispersion control additives.
Coil Coatings
Both KAM-FCA 41 and KAM-FCA 22 are recommended. KAM-FCA 20 is recommended if high gloss is not a requirement.
KAM-SCA 772 and KAM-SCA 777 are recommended. Both are fluorocarbon-modified polyacrylates which not only give good levelling, but also improve substrate wetting substantially. KAM-SCA 31 is recommended for slip performance.
KAM-DCA 110 and KAM-DCA 610A and KAM-DCA 609 are recommended to disperse inorganic pigments. KAM-DCA 401 and KAM-DCA 47 and KAM-DCA 161 are recommended to disperse organic and carbon black pigments.
KAM-DCA 150 and KAM-DCA 76 are suitable.
Wood Coatings
Nitrocellulose/Acid curable
KAM-FCA 20 and KAM-FCA 26 are recommended.
KAM-SCA 772 and KAM-SCA 777 are known for their ability to improve leveling and substrate wetting substantially without influencing the inter-coat adhesion of the system.
KAM-DCA 609 and KAM-DCA 66 are effective dispersion control additives for inorganic pigments, fillers and extenders. Settling can be reduced drastically when using KAM-DCA 66. In case of highly filled systems, KAM-DCA 610A and KAM-DCA 609 and KAM-DCA 110 are advised.
Polyurethanes/Unsaturated polyesters/UV curing
KAM-FCA 20 and KAM-FCA 41 and KAM-FCA 22 are recommended. KAM-FCA 720 is specially recommended in curtain coatings.
KAM-SCA 772 and KAM-SCA 777 are recommended for levelling and substrate wetting.
KAM-SCA 36 and KAM-SCA 32 will improve leveling and act as foam control additives in Polyurethanes.
KAM-DCA 610A and KAM-DCA 609 and KAM-DCA 66 are effective dispersion control additives for inorganic pigments, fillers and extenders. KAM-DCA 615 and KAM-DCA 616 and KAM-DCA 980 are specially recommended in Unsaturated Polyesters.
Wood Coatings
Nitrocellulose/Acid curable
KAM-FCA 20 and KAM-FCA 26 are recommended.
KAM-SCA 32 and KAM-SCA 36 are recommended for mono-coat matt finishes.
For clear and pigmented glossy finishes, a combination of KAM-FCA 40 and KAM-SCA 31 or KAM-SCA 90 is advised.
KAM-DCA 610A and KAM-DCA 66 and KAM-DCA 409 are effective dispersion control additives for inorganic pigments, fillers and extenders.
KAM-DCA 47 and KAM-DCA 76 are recommended for organic pigments.
Polyurethanes/Unsaturated polyesters/UV curing
KAM-FCA 41 and KAM-FCA 22 are recommended. KAM-FCA 720 is specially recommended in Unsaturated Polyesters.
KAM-SCA 31 and KAM-SCA 90 and KAM-SCA 97 are recommended in glossy systems whereas KAM-SCA 36 and KAM-SCA 32 are more suited for matt systems.
KAM-DCA 47 and KAM-DCA 163 and KAM-DCA 46 are recommended for all types of pigments.
KAM-DCA 225 and KAM-DCA 220 recommened for transparent iron oxides.
KAM-DCA 615 and KAM-DCA 616 and KAM-DCA 980 and KAM-DCA 100 are specially recommended in Unsaturated Polyesters.
Wood Coatings
Waterborne emulsions
KAM-FCA 593 and KAM-FCA 599 (both silicone-free), KAM-FCA 564, KAM-FCA 568 and KAM-FCA 521 (Silicone-based) are very effective foam control additives.
KAM-SCA 580 will exhibit good leveling and anti-cratering behavior with no effect on the inter-coat adhesion.
KAM-DCA 190 and KAM-DCA 192 are recommended for TiO2 and difficult pigments, including carbon blacks. Dispersions made with these 2 additives will lead to high gloss in the final finishes.
KAM-DCA 671 is an economical alternative for all kinds of pigments.
KAM-FCA 722 and KAM-FCA 20 are recommended.
KAM-SCA 31 and KAM-SCA 90 and KAM-SCA 97 are used to improve leveling, surface smoothness and scratch resistance.
KAM-DCA 610A and KAM-DCA 110 and KAM-DCA 615 are recommended for easily dispersible pigments and fillers.
For difficult pigments, KAM-DCA 76 and KAM-DCA 940 and KAM-DCA 980 are recommended.
KAM-FCA 568 and KAM-FCA 521 are recommended as silicone-based foam control additives. KAM-FCA 593 and KAM-FCA 599 are also effective as silicone-free foam control additive.
KAM-SCA 580 is used to achieve a considerable reduction in the surface tension and therefore good substrate wetting.
KAM-DCA A40 and KAM-DCA P90 and KAM-DCA N40 are recommended for easily dispersible pigments and fillers.
For difficult pigments, KAM-DCA 190 and KAM-DCA 192 are recommended.
Solvent-free & Reactive
KAM-FCA 722 and KAM-FCA 723 are recommended.
KAM-SCA 90 and KAM-SCA 97 are used to improve leveling, surface smoothness and scratch resistance.
KAM-DCA 100 and KAM-DCA 615 are recommended for easily dispersible pigments and fillers.
For difficult pigments, KAM-DCA 76 is recommended.
Pigment Dispersions
Long-oil alkyds are often used as grinding resins to manufacture pigment pastes for solvent-based decorative paints.
For systems with or without aromatic solvents, following sets of formulations are recommended:
We generally recommened using KAM-DCA 108 or KAM-DCA 102. KAM-DCA 270 is recommended for improving color acceptance.
Water- and solvent-based (Universal)
Versatile pigment dispersions based on KAM-DCA 225 and KAM-DCA 226 enable manufacturers to tint decorative and architectural paints, whether water- or solvent-based. Given their unique chemistries and the absence of any carrier, KAM-DCA 225 and KAM-DCA 226 will enable customers to meet the stringent VOC restrictions in place today, comply with the current and anticipated requirements in terms of APEs and environmental aspects.
KAM-DCA 226 is a modified version of KAM-DCA 225.
One set of formulations for in-Plant tinting:
KAM-DCA 270 is recommended for improving color acceptance.
Pigment Dispersions
Solvent-based general industrial
For best compatibility in general industrial coatings with all possible let-down resins, we recommend using KAM-DCA 163 or KAM-DCA 46 or KAM-DCA 409 or KAM-DCA 115 along with an aldehyde grinding resin such as Laropal A81.
Pigment Dispersions
Water-based general industrial
Aqueous pigment concentrates are best formulated without any grinding resin. We recommend using mostly KAM-DCA 190 or sometimes KAM-DCA 671.
Ambient curing
KAM-FCA 20 and KAM-FCA 720 are commonly used for defoaming purpose.
KAM-SCA 32 and KAM-SCA 36 are recommended to improve levelling.
KAM-DCA 192 and KAM-DCA 940 and KAM-DCA 100 and KAM-DCA 966A are recommended as dispersion control additives. They improve the dispersing/grinding process of fillers and extenders. Through a better wetting and a more homogeneous distribution of the fillers, a strong viscosity reduction is obtained. This results in an improvement of the physical properties like the impact resistance, especially in systems filled with Al(OH)3. KAM-DCA 966A is also recommended in cobalt-catalyzed systems.
KAM-FCA 20 and KAM-FCA 720 and KAM-FCA 722 commonly used in both SMC (Sheet Molding Compounds) and BMC (Bulk Molding Compounds).
KAM-SCA 32 and KAM-SCA 36 are recommended to improve levelling.
KAM-DCA 966A and KAM-DCA 615 and KAM-DCA 940 are recommended as dispersion control additives. They improve the dispersing/grinding process of fillers and extenders. Through a better wetting and a more homogeneous distribution of the fillers, a strong viscosity reduction is obtained. This results in an improvement of the physical properties like the impact resistance, especially in systems filled with Al(OH)3. KAM-DCA 966A is also recommended in cobalt-catalyzed systems.
PVC (Plastisols/Compounds)
KAM-FCA 720 is commonly used as foam control additive.
KAM-SCA 32 is recommended to improve surface smoothness and overcome undesirable irregularities.
KAM-DCA 76 and KAM-DCA 150 are the most suitable dispersion control additives.
PUR foams
KAM-DCA 76 and KAM-DCA 163 are recommended.
Both air entrapment and flow properties are of main concern in these kinds of high viscosity systems. KAM-FCA 723, KAM-FCA 722 and KAM-FCA 41 are recommended.
KAM-SCA 777 is recommended for flow promotion. KAM-SCA 32 and KAM-SCA 36 are used to improve leveling, surface smoothness and scratch resistance with defoaming properties.
KAM-DCA 44 and KAM-DCA 610A and KAM-DCA 110 and KAM-DCA 615 are recommended for easily dispersible pigments and fillers. For difficult pigments, KAM-DCA 163 and KAM-DCA 46 are recommended. KAM-DCA 76 is ideal if no solvent is allowed in the final formulation.
KAM-FCA 722 and KAM-FCA 723 are recommended. KAM-FCA 22 is also an alternative.
KAM-SCA 772 and KAM-SCA 777 are recommended for levelling and flow promotion.
KAM-SCA 36 and KAM-SCA 32 are used to improve leveling, surface smoothness and scratch resistance, in addition to defoaming.
KAM-DCA 615 and KAM-DCA 100 and KAM-DCA 66 (Anti-settling properties) are effective dispersion control additives for inorganic pigments, fillers and extenders. KAM-DCA 65 exhibits anti-floating behaviour.
KAM-FCA 22 and KAM-FCA 41 are recommended.
KAM-SCA 777 and KAM-SCA 772 are recommended for flow promotion.
KAM-SCA 32 and KAM-SCA 36 are used to improve leveling, surface smoothness and scratch resistance with defoaming properties.
KAM-DCA 401 and KAM-DCA 76 is recommended for all kinds of organic and carbon black pigments.
KAM-FCA 720 and KAM-FCA 20 are recommended. KAM-FCA 22 is also an alternative.
KAM-SCA 777 is recommended for levelling and flow promotion.
KAM-SCA 36 and KAM-SCA 32 and KAM-SCA 90 are used to improve leveling, surface smoothness and scratch resistance.
KAM-DCA 615 (Strong viscosity reduction) and KAM-DCA 980 (Exhibits anti-settling behaviour) and KAM-DCA 66 are effective dispersion control additives for inorganic pigments, fillers and extenders. KAM-DCA 65 exhibits anti-floating behaviour.
KAM-DCA 401 is recommended for all kinds of organic and carbon black pigments.
KAM-FCA 521 and KAM-FCA 564 are recommended
KAM-SCA 580 is recommended for flow promotion.
KAM-DCA 190 and KAM-DCA 192 are recommended.
General Industrial
KAM-FCA 22 and KAM-FCA 41 are recommended.
KAM-FCA 41 is more suited for glossy systems.
KAM-SCA 772 and KAM-SCA 777 are both recommended for substrate wetting and flow.
For scratch/abrasion resistance, KAM-SCA 31 and KAM-SCA 33 are highly advised. KAM-SCA 90 and KAM-SCA 97 exhibit the best slip performance.
In matt systems, KAM-SCA 32 and KAM-SCA 36 are most recommended for slip performance and mar resistance.
KAM-DCA 163 and KAM-DCA 46 and KAM-DCA 409 are commonly used as dispersion control additives.
KAM-DCA 110 and KAM-DCA 610A are used for TiO2, oxides and fillers.
KAM-FCA 564 and KAM-FCA 568 and KAM-FCA 521 are recommended.
The short-chain polysiloxane KAM-SCA is commonly used for better substrate wetting and good levelling.
KAM-DCA 190 and KAM-DCA 192 (pH-independent) are recommended.
KAM-DCA A40 and KAM-DCA N40 and KAM-DCA P90 are recommended for fillers and inorganic pigments.
General Industrial
Thermoplastic acrylics
KAM-FCA 20 and KAM-FCA 41 are recommended.
KAM-SCA 777 is recommended for levelling and flow.
KAM-SCA 31 and KAM-SCA 33 are recommended when high slip and scratch resistance are required.
KAM-SCA 36 is recommended if solvent is an issue.
DELTA-DC 409 is advised in thermoplastic acrylics to stabilize all kinds of pigments.
KAM-DCA 163 and KAM-DCA 115 are commonly used as dispersion control additives.
KAM-DCA 110 and KAM-DCA 610A are recommended for TiO2.
General Industrial
KAM-FCA 720 and KAM-FCA 723 and KAM-FCA 20 are highly recommended.
KAM-FCA 22 can also be a good alternative.
KAM-SCA 36 and KAM-SCA 32 are used to improve levelling, surface smoothness and scratch resistance without stabilizing foam. KAM-SCA 777 is recommended for flow promotion. KAM-SCA 34 is used as anti-cratering agent.
KAM-DCA 44 and KAM-DCA 65 are recommended for easily dispersible pigments and fillers. Both products exhibit anti-settling properties.
KAM-DCA 615 and KAM-DCA 980 are recommended for lowering the viscosity of highly filled systems.
KAM-DCA 163 and KAM-DCA 76 and KAM-DCA 115 and are recommended for organic and carbon black pigments.
General Industrial
Melamine baking systems
KAM-FCA 22 and KAM-FCA 41 are highly recommended in both alkyd and polyester melamine baking systems.
KAM-FCA 40 is the most recommended in glossy systems.
KAM-SCA 772 and KAM-SCA 777 are both recommended for substrate wetting and flow.
For scratch/abrasion resistance, KAM-SCA 31 and KAM-SCA 33 are highly advised. KAM-SCA 90 and KAM-SCA 97 exhibit the best slip performance.
KAM-SCA 36 and KAM-SCA 32 are used in matt systems to improve levelling, surface smoothness and scratch resistance without stabilizing foam.
KAM-DCA 163 and KAM-DCA 47 and KAM-DCA 46 are the best for organic pigments.
KAM-DCA 110 and KAM-DCA 610A are recommended for TiO2 and inorganic pigments.
General Industrial
Nitrocelullose/Acid curable
KAM-FCA 20 and KAM-FCA 26 are recommended. KAM-FCA 41 is an alternative.
To enhance slip performance and improve scratch and abrasion resistance properties, KAM-SCA 30 and KAM-SCA 33 are commonly used.
For strongest slip performance, KAM-SCA 31 and KAM-SCA 90 and KAM-SCA 97 are suitable. KAM-SCA 32 can also be used to improve scratch resistance.
KAM-DCA 76 and KAM-DCA 47 and KAM-DCA 108 and KAM-DCA 106 are recommended for organic pigments.
For inorganic pigments, KAM-DCA 65 and KAM-DCA 66 and KAM-DCA 108 are recommended.
General Industrial
Chlorinated rubber
KAM-FCA 41 is the most suitable foam control additive.
To enhance slip performance and improve scratch and abrasion resistance properties, KAM-SCA 30 and KAM-SCA 33 are commonly used.
KAM-SCA 90 is also recommended.
KAM-DCA 46 and KAM-DCA 47 and KAM-DCA 163 are recommended for inorganic and organic pigments.
KAM-DCA 615 and KAM-DCA 100 and KAM-DCA 980 recommended for inorganic pigments and some organic pigments as well.
KAM-FCA 41 and KAM-FCA 20 are commonly used in alkyd pants.
KAM-SCA 36 and KAM-SCA 32 exhibit excellent leveling performance and defoaming at the same time and the are particularly useful when foam is created during application by rollers. They will also provide anti-floating effect.
KAM-DCA 44 and KAM-DCA 54 are commonly used to disperse inorganic pigments and extenders. Both dispersion control additives can be utilized to activate organophilic Bentonites and prepare Bentonite pre-gels. KAM-DCA 102 and KAM-DCA 108 are considered as being cost-effective multi-purpose dispersion control additives for all kinds of pigments.
White bases prepared with KAM-DCA 108 or KAM-DCA 106 or KAM-DCA 102 have better color acceptance and do not demonstrate flooding and/or floating when tinted with universal colorants.
Due to its particularly good combination of price and performance, KAM-DCA 409 and KAM-DCA 163 are very attractive substitutes for conventional wetting and dispersing agents.
KAM-DCA 270 is recommended for improving color acceptance.
Solvent-based polyacrylates
KAM-FCA 20 is highly recommended.
KAM-SCA 30 and KAM-SCA 31 and KAM-SCA 36 are recommended.
KAM-DCA 163 and KAM-DCA 46 are very much suited for dispersing difficult pigments.
KAM-DCA 610A and KAM-DCA 110 are recommended for dispersing inorganic pigments.
KAM-DCA 270 is recommended for improving color acceptance.
KAM-FCA 20 is highly recommended.
KAM-SCA 30 and KAM-SCA 31 are recommended for scratch resistance.
KAM-SCA 36 and KAM-SCA 90 recommended for the same purpose if solvent presence is an issue.
KAM-SCA 777 is recommended for leveling and flow.
KAM-DCA 163 and KAM-DCA 409 are very much suited for dispersing difficult pigments.
KAM-DCA 610A and KAM-DCA 110 are recommended for dispersing inorganic pigments.
KAM-DCA 270 is recommended for improving color acceptance.
PVC copolymers
KAM-FCA 41 is highly recommended.
KAM-SCA 97 and KAM-SCA 30 will impart slip properties to the final coating.
KAM-DCA 46 and KAM-DCA 163 are recommended for the stabilization of all kinds of pigments.
Water-based emulsions
KAM-FCA 593 and KAM-FCA 599 are highly recommended as an economical foam control additives.
The silicone-containg KAM-FCA 521 and KAM-FCA 564 are very effective in water-based architectural paints and water-reducible alkyds, especially in the high-end applications.
KAM-SCA 30 will impart slip properties to the final coating. KAM-SCA 580 and KAM-SCA 575 will exhibit good leveling and anti-cratering behavior with no effect on the inter-coat adhesion.
KAM-DCA A40 and KAM-DCA N40 and KAM-DCA P90 are recommended for TiO2 and fillers.
KAM-DCA 190 and KAM-DCA 192 are recommended for TiO2 and difficult pigments, including carbon blacks.
KAM-DCA 225 and KAM-DCA 671 are economical alternatives for all kinds of pigments.
KAM-DCA 270 is recommended for improving color acceptance.
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